Thread subject: TI99ers On-Line User Group :: Call for Jim Peterson Achievement Award Nominations - Class of 2017.

Posted by glenn on December 29 2016

A Call for Jim Peterson Achievement Award Nominations - Class of 2017.
Nominations may ONLY be made starting January 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018
(See 'SPECIAL NOTES' below.)

The TI-99/4A / Myarc “Geneve” 9640 award categories are:


Community Service

Lifetime Achievement Award

 The Jim Peterson “Lifetime Achievement Award” is conferred on TI-99/4A and/or Geneve users whose dedication, service, knowledge and/or achievements provided lasting benefits to the TI99/Geneve community for ten years or more.
Note: There will be no call for votes for the “Lifetime Achievement Award”. The presentation of this award will be based on the merit of the nomination.
Rules for making nominations:
1. Nominees may be past or present TI-99/4A and/or Geneve users.

A. Please submit the nominee's achievement along with their name. Make sure the nominee's name is spelled correctly and the achievement is credited to the right person.
   B. Since the awards will be in the form of mailed certificates, inclusion, if possible, of the nominee's land mail and/or e-mail address with the nomination will be appreciated.
2. Submit nominations to:

Glenn Bernasek
JPA Administrator
13246 Harper Road
Strongsville, Ohio 44149-3942
  - or –

E-mail directly to:

- or (Thanks to Tom Wills) -

Submit your nomination(s) at: ''.trimlink('', 20).(strlen('')>30?substr('', strlen('')-10, strlen('')):'').'' or by selecting JPA Nomination Form in the Community section of the Navigation Menu.

A. Nominations for the Jim Peterson Achievement Awards will be closed midnight (USA Eastern Standard Time), on the last day of February.
B. During March there will be a one month editing period in which corrections and/or deletions to the posted list of nominees may be requested only by the nominators and/or nominees in their respective nominations, on or before March 28.
C. Voting will commence April 1 and conclude midnight, May 31.
(USA,Eastern Daylight time)

Edited by admin on December 22 2017