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FAQ: Glossary
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TI-99/4A Abbreviations
TI-99/4A Abbreviations
By Dan Eicher

AVPC - Advanced Video Display Processor, produced by Digit Systems by Tom Spilane - This PBOX card use an 9938.

c - Small C by Clint Pulley for the 99/4a.

E/A - Editor Assembler.

FDC - Floppy Disk Controller.

FWEB - Funnel Web.

GRAMULATOR - Graphics Ram Module produced by Cadd Electronics allows the user to load/modify and run Cartridges. Unlike the GramKracker produced by Millers Graphics with modifications, this unit could also run MBX modules.

GRAM KRACKER - See Gramulator.

Grand Ram- A ramdisk produced by DataBiotics. Unique in that it both battery backed up like a Horizon Ramdisk and provided print spooler software, like the Myarc 512K card. It also included connectors on board to connect to emulate the PBOX bus and cartridge port.

GROM - Graphic ROM, Rom Memory developed by TI that automatically increments.

HFDC - Myarc Hard Floppy Disk Controller.

MBP - Eight port analog to digital card with real time clock.

MBX - Milton Bradley Expansion Unit - yes the toy maker - allowed the 99/4a to use voice directed games.

PBOX - Peripheral Expansion Box also known as PEB.

PC99 - A software package for MSDOS PC's 486-50 or faster that emulate a TI99/4A. This is commercial software and well supported.

PGRAM - Like the GramKracker, but on a PBOX card.

PIO - Parrallel/Printer Port.

POP-CART - Cartridge produced by OPA that up to 512K of grom code and any number of cartridges could be placed.

SOB - Son Of a Board. This board also plugs into the console, in the GROM1 socket. It adds an enhanced menu upon power up and fixes some video initialization problems that are transparent, unless you are using a 9938 or 9958 video controller chip in your system.

TIM - TI Image Maker. This is a an 80-column board produced by OPA. It had a Yamaha 9958 chip and came bundled with the SOB. It mounts inside the TI console in the TMS9918 socket.

V9t9 - A software package for MSDOS PC's 386-25 or faster that emulates a TI99/4A. This is freeware produced by Ed Swartz and no support from the author is available, but the source code is.

XB - Extended Basic.

FAQ courtesy of Dan Eicher

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December 21 2017
I wish each and everyone one a very Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Santa

December 31 2016
Happy New Year all Smile

June 23 2016
Hi Mike, welcome Smile. There are still lots of TI99 users out there Smile

June 22 2016
Just wanted to say 'I'm glad I found you!' Pulled out my TI and have started to play with it again. I forgot how much fun it was. Wish there were more people out there still using it!

April 23 2016
Hello my fellow ti99ers, have a great weekend Smile

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