TI99ers Hall Of Fame

TI99HOF 2008 Annual Report

As of March 31, 2008 we have completed the fourth full year of operations of the TI99ers Hall of Fame. Our Rules and Regulations require that we prepare an Annual Report, but this task had been neglected. This explains why this report is dated in late 2009.

During this year we received five nominations for the TI99HOF and inducted four of these:

  • Fred Kaal
  • John Birdwell
  • Heiner Martin

Another nominee was also approved for induction but declined for personal reasons.

If you have not recently done so, please visit the TI99HOF site at www.ti99hof.org and reacquaint yourself with the many and varied accomplishments of our inductees. We now have nineteen inductees on our TI99HOF site.

In May and June 2007 Richard Twyning and Charles Good joined the Board of Governors and Chris Schneider resigned. The Board of Governors includes: Jacques Groslouis, Tom Wills, Ron Reuter, Glenn Bernasek, Dan Eicher, Tim Tesch, Peter Killick, Don O'Neil, Berry Harmsen, Richard Twyning and Charles Good. I would like to thank each of them for their contribution, especially since most of the nominations to the TI99HOF now seem to come from members of the Board.

Respectfully submitted,

Jacques Groslouis
December 13, 2009