The following people or firms have contributed to the success of this web-site
in some way:
Jim Peterson, the Tigercub, whose trademark signature is memorialized in
the image you clicked on to get here.
Steve Mehr, who loaned me his copy of Scott Cohen's ZAP! The Rise and Fall
of Atari, a book which filled in so many holes for me in the home computer
and gaming timeline.
Bryan Roppolo, my co-researcher and cartridge collecting enthusiast, has
contributed so much to this web-site, I lack the space to praise his
accomplishments and his investigative tenacity.
Jim Fetzner, who knows more about TI Cartridges than I do, and who owns more
of them than I do.
Michael J. Novac and the Video Game Advantage provided
86 screenshots of TI-99/4A cartridge software.
Tom Wills for taking over the care and maintenance of this web site.
Bill Gaskill who was the creative genius who developed this web site. Without
Bill, none of this would have been possible.