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Articles Home » Multiplan by Audrey Bucher » Multiplan Part 7 by Audrey Bucher
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Multiplan Part 7 by Audrey Bucher
This article deals with the EXTERNAL COPY command. We are going to build a new worksheet to track your expenses for the year 1988. Following are the steps needed to build the template.

1. Turn Recalc off (O then N)
2. Change default column width to 10, using the FORMAT DEFAULT WIDTH command, as we did on the previous worksheet.
3. Change the default cell format to Fixed and the Decimal places to 2 using the FORMAT DEFAULT CELLS command.
4. Fill in the title for the worksheet. At R1C2 enter EXPENSES and at R1C3 enter FOR 1988, using the Alpha command. (You may choose to format R1C2 as continuous and enter the entire title there.)
5. Fill in the headings for the seven categories we are tracking, using the Alpha command, beginning at R3C2 (Food, Rent, Utilities, Insurance, Charges, Auto and Misc.)
6. Put a line of dashes across R4 by filling in R4C1 with 10 dashes, using the Alpha command, and then Copying Right for 7 cells.
7. Enter the Months of the year, using the Alpha command in Column 1 beginning at Row 5.
8. Put a line of dashes across Row 17. (See 16)
9. Enter the word TOTALS in R18C1, using the Alpha command.
10. Enter formulas on Row 18....There are two ways to enter formulas. You may choose to use the same method as we did for the January Worksheet, eg in R18C2, type =, enter SUM(then up arrow to R5C2, type : and then use the up arrow for the last item R16C2. Finish the formula by typing ).

Your formula should read SUM(R[-13]C:R[-2]C). You may now copy this formula right for 6 cells. In last month's article, I mentioned that NAMES are useful for building formulas. If you choose to name each column (ex.-name R5:16C2 as FOOD), then you may simply enter the formula SUM(FOOD) in R18C2. To do this you will need to name each column and then enter each formula separately. For this particular worksheet, I would not take the time to do this, but I wanted to give you an example of how names are used in formulas.

Now for the fun part.

Place the cell pointer at R5C2 and hit X for eXternal. You will be presented with another menu..COPY LIST USE. Select C for copy and you will see the following menu:

EXTERNAL COPY from sheet:
name: to:R5C2

This command will copy values from a group of cells on an external worksheet to the active sheet. The proposed response for the 'from sheet' is the most recent supporting sheet, if you have used the command previously. Ours will be blank. Type here the name you gave to your original worksheet. I used JAN88. Now tab over to the Name field. Remember last month I had you name the group of cells in R16C4:10 as January so you merely need to type in January here. The 'to:' field is used to specify the destination of the copy on the active sheet. The proposed response is the active field (where the cell pointer is).

If a single cell is specified in this field, the source group will be copied starting at that cell. If you specify a group of cells in the 'to:' field, the shape of the group must correspond to the shape of the source group cell by cell, otherwise an error message will be displayed and the copy is aborted. The active sheet is then checked to see that all destination cells are blank, as an attempt to copy into a nonblank cell also results in an error message.

For now, we'll accept the default here and in 'linked' so just press ENTER.

SHAZAM!! You will see a message at the bottom of your screen showing the name of the supporting sheet and the defined name of the cells copied and like magic, the values will appear in row 5. MP now records a dependency on the source sheet..Jan88, and this same sequence will occur everytime you load EXPENSES88.

If you had selected No in the 'linked' field, the command merely copies the values and does not record any dependency. If the values on the source sheet are not expected to change, this would be the most convenient. As I move along in the year, I usually only link the current month.

Hopefully by now, you have made worksheets for each month. In order to track your expenses just make sure you have named the area R16C4:10 with the respective months name. Then you merely need to repeat the above procedure for each month and you will be able to see where your money goes. Very depressing at times, but fun to do.

You may want to look at the External List command now. You will see a display of the names of worksheets supporting the active sheet and those dependent on the active sheet.

The Use command merely allows the interchangeability of supporting sheets as long as the supporting sheets are arranged identically.

One final word on the External Copy command. It will not copy formulas, only the values derived from them.

Finally, you may be wondering why I left R1C1 empty. I mentioned in Part 5 that I use the TIMP PRINT program, by Jack and BJ Mathis to set printer codes in order to print my worksheets in condensed print. This is where I use the External Copy command to insert that code. I then usually insert a code at the end of my worksheet to turn off the condensed print. A copy of this program is available from our library and comes complete with do*****entation for many kinds of printers.

Next month, we'll talk about Windows. If you have any questions feel free to call.
Don't forget to save your worksheet, EXPENSES88.
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December 21 2017
I wish each and everyone one a very Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Santa

December 31 2016
Happy New Year all Smile

June 23 2016
Hi Mike, welcome Smile. There are still lots of TI99 users out there Smile

June 22 2016
Just wanted to say 'I'm glad I found you!' Pulled out my TI and have started to play with it again. I forgot how much fun it was. Wish there were more people out there still using it!

April 23 2016
Hello my fellow ti99ers, have a great weekend Smile

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