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New OLUG Website UPDATE (06/21/2015)
For the past 11 years, give or take a year, this version of the TI99ers On-Line User Group has been running on PHP NukeSentinal software. However, it has been really hard to update/upgrade, so it has remained unchanged for years.

Over the next few weeks or so, I will try to convert as much as I can from the old OLUG to the new OLUG as possible. The hardest part will be the forum, but it will be worked on. The file transfers will be time consuming, but not that difficult.

Check back in to see the changes as they take shape. Also continue to check the news to see what updates there will.
One problem I have run into is moving photos from the Photo Gallery to the php-Fusion photos gallery. Apparently CPG has the photos stored in some proprietary form that I can't copy them from. :-(

UPDATE: 06/21/2015

The transferring of the Downloads, the Photo Albums and Forum entries is taking much longer than anticipated. If I could spend at least 12 hours a day doing these transfers, it wouldn't be so bad, but it is hard on the eyes, and I do have to accomplish other chores here at home. Please keep checking back to see how the transfers are going. I will try to continue posting updates on the transfer progress.
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#1 | janko99er on June 14 2015 13:30:16
I like the new look! :-)Cool

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Table './ti99er00_phpf1/phpf_online' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedbullet.gif Guests Online: 0

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December 21 2017
I wish each and everyone one a very Blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Santa

December 31 2016
Happy New Year all Smile

June 23 2016
Hi Mike, welcome Smile. There are still lots of TI99 users out there Smile

June 22 2016
Just wanted to say 'I'm glad I found you!' Pulled out my TI and have started to play with it again. I forgot how much fun it was. Wish there were more people out there still using it!

April 23 2016
Hello my fellow ti99ers, have a great weekend Smile

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